Avoiding the news and fear of the Corona Virus at the moment is pretty much impossible as the whole world goes into lockdown, panic buying is everywhere and there is so much uncertainty and speculation. 

But there are opportunities here for those of us with chronic illness to help our friends and family who are getting just a small taste of what we have been living with and the health fears we deal with daily. You could say that we have been training for this experience for years. 

In this podcast I give you some practical tips on how you can avoid falling victim to the fear and panic, help those close to you and have conversations that build an empathy bridge so that when the virus has finally passed, some understanding of the fears of chronic illness will be present in our families and communities. 

Kerry Jeffery is a Coach, Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist helping clients all around the world to overcome the emotional issues of living with chronic illness.

She lives in Melbourne, Australia along with Hashimoto's, Celiac, Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Type 1 Diabetes.

Find out more about Kerry and her Therapy programs here.

Book your FREE online Discovery Session with Kerry here.

Follow Kerry for daily posts on Facebook here.