Custom emoji fonts, :hedgehog:, Clippy, the difference between gender neutral and gender inclusive, and what is a merperson? With Jeremy Burge and special guest Paul Hunt, a font designer from Adobe.

🔲 Unicode Chart
🆕 Unicode 9 Emoji List
📝 Source Emoji Font
👤 Gender Inclusive Emoji Proposal
❔ Child Emoji
❔ Adult Emoji
❔ Older Person Emoji
❔ Merperson Emoji
👨‍🎤 Emoji Wrap #4 with Google Design Team
↔️ How ZWJ "zwidge" Sequences Work


👉 Paul Hunt on Twitter @pauldhunt
👉 Jeremy Burge on Twitter @jeremyburge

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Thanks to

🎨 Joshua Jones for the cover art
🎤 Jonathan Mann for the music
👂 You for listening

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