The titles a reference to a meme, I'm sorry if you don't get it. Anyways, the new batch of Garbage Disposal is here! And we're chatting with Jhariah all about his new single Debt Collector and what kind of anime it would be part of! Oh yeah, it's wild. We hit all a ton of the classics and even some deep cuts! There's PLENTY more parts coming but here's an introduction to The Power of God, Jhariah, and Anime (Well, mostly Jhariah and Anime)


Make sure ya go check out Jhariah and his amazing tunes and videos and keep an eye out for the absolutely WILD new single Debt Collector, coming out soon!!! 


Sound effects from


Thanks for reading this whole thing! I'm so excited to share these episodes! I hope you're excited too! Well, talk soon. Enjoy the episode. You rock :)