It's finally time to discuss the almighty anxiety attack that is WORRY by Jeff Rosenstock. I literally COULD not be more excited as this record is one of my favorites possibly of all time, and we very much get into how much every single delivery on the record freakin CRUSHES ME, BUT, we also have a guest to keep me from getting TOO off track. And that guest is none other that Caleb from Hey, ILY, Rookie Card, Gray Joy, and the Invertabrates! Oh yeah, they really do it all, INCLUDING CHAT ABOUT WORRY!!!! It's a very fun time and they are a truly wonderful guest, so hope ya enjoy!


Also go check out all their wonderful project and their great tunes! Hey, ILY's newest EP Internet Breath is WILDLY good and deserving of all the attention!!! They're going to take the world by storm, so it's probably a good time to get on board!


As always, our theme song is the lovely Sleep Schedule by Future Teens


Thank you for reading all this! Life is very hectic right now, but in a good way! And we have a bunch of absurdly cool interviews coming your way! Thanks for being part of the wild and wonderful journey that has been Emo Trash! Hope it doesn't get TOO wild for ya. haha, that was a joke ya see. You rock :)