Previous Episode: "LIVE YOUR FAITH"

This Worship Service is for the THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER.  It will focus on the scriptures recorded in Acts 2:14, 36-41, Psalm 117-25, 1 Peter 1:3-9 and the Gospel according to St Luke, Chapter 24 verses;13-35.

INDEX TO THE PODCAST (e.g. 00:02:10=00 hour: 02 minutes: 10 seconds):
            Opening Hymn....................................................00:00:32
            Confession & Forgiveness..............................00:02:28
            Scriptures............................................................ 00:03:55
            Sermon .................................................................00:11:11                   
           Baptism (4 Young People)...............................00:36:32
           Prayer, Benediction & Closing Hymn.........00:48:20

If you would like to watch a video of the complete Worship Service, click on the link below: