January 13, 2013, Sermon Series: What On Earth Are We Doing?


What On Earth Are You Doing?

A Question For Today

Mark 12:28-34



Synopsis: What’s different about today?  It is not yesterday.  Life is different today.  Just a few hours ago today was known as tomorrow and in just a few more hours it will be yesterday.  And even now most of what’s different about today has yet to be determined.  Today happens quickly so stand at the ready.

      Today we need to concentrate on doing, and not just remembering or planning.  Today we need to be executing our plans from yesterday in the hope of making good memories to celebrate tomorrow.  We will of course spend time planning and remembering, but today needs to be about doing.  What on earth are you doing?  Are you still making good on that vow you made to make 2013 different from years before or have your initial plans already been discarded.

      Today in God’s Kingdom is a forever term. 


Scripture Text (NLT):  Mark 12:28-34; Luke 10:27; Matthew 6:19-34; Romans 8:38; Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 6:1-2; Hebrews 3:12-14, 13:8


Scripture Reading: Matthew 22:34-40