Previous Episode: Easter Sunday: Hope Lives
Next Episode: Joy Lives

The Story Continues

Peace Lives

John 14:27-29


Synopsis: HOPE is the first word of the Advent season, and there is a reason for that.  For one reason, Hope is the basis for out PEACE.  The resurrection made Hope and Peace a living reality.  Christians are challenged to Help Other People Experience hope and peace by Living In Faithful Expectation (LIFE).

      In John 14 Jesus shared the HOPE of the resurrection with the disciples and assured them that the gift he was giving them would result in “peace of mind and heart.” (John 14:27) 

      How do you define PEACE?  More often than not a dictionary definition will describe peace in terms of the absence of things: freedom from war, civil commotion, anxiety, annoyance.  It is something to work for.  Jesus describes it in terms of a gift to be received guaranteed by the resurrection.  Peace lives because of the resurrection.


Scripture Text (NLT):  John 14:27-29, 22-31


Scripture Reading: John 14:27-29