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March 27, 2016                                                         Easter Sunday

The Cloth

Luke 24:12


Synopsis: There are many elements in the story of the resurrection.  For some reason this year I have been captivated by “The Cloth” (Luke 24:12).  In the story of Jesus’ death burial and resurrection there are three things that I find closely related: the cross, the grave, and the cloth.  Throughout the Holy Week we been especially mindful of the cross on which Jesus died.  With the dawning of the day our attention has been drawn to thoughts of the empty tomb.  But what about the cloth was used as His burial shroud?  Maybe it just the right time of the day on this Easter morning to join Peter and gaze upon the empty cloth left in the tomb and contemplate what it means (Luke 24:1-12)


Text (CEV): Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18; 1 Corinthians 15:19-26


Scripture Reading: Acts 10:39b-43