March 11, 2012                                                                       Third Sunday of Lent


The Celebration of Discipline - Repentance

Luke 3:8


Synopsis:     As we move toward Easter it is very important that believers use this time to reflection on the story of Christ’s self-sacrifice and examine our lives accordingly.  Repentance is in order whenever believers finds their actions and attitudes are leading them in the wrong direction.  That is indicated when we find ourselves living for the moment instead of moving toward the resurrection.

        Repentance was the message of John the Baptist (Luke 3:7-14), the fore runner of Christ and was often heard throughout the Old Testament.  The first words of Jesus’ sermons were the same.  On the day of Pentecost, repentance was the starting point of Peter’s sermon to the curious crowd.

        Paul made it a point to call believers to actions consistent with living as “citizens of heaven” (Philippians 1:27-30).  He admonished the believers in Corinth “not to accept this marvelous gift of God’s kindness and then ignore it.” (2 Corinthians 6:1-13)  For believers to live their lives in oneness with the Father calls us to live in unison with one another.


Scripture Text (NLT): Luke 3:7-14; Philippians 1:27-30; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13





Dr. Sonny Strange, Pastor


Emmanuel Baptist Church, 1916 Overlook Ave., Jefferson City, TN 37760

Sharing Hope, Meeting Need, Through Word, Gift and Deed

Web Page:, Podcast of sermons available online.