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May 6, 2012                                                                     Senior Day at Emmanuel


Where Are You Headed Now?

Luke 24:13-34


Synopsis:     Today is Senior Day at Emmanuel and my message is intended to address the challenge of the senior experience.  Seniors stand for just a moment on the threshold of what will be.  It is a time to celebrate and commemorate the moment, but life does not stand still.

        I want to read Luke 24:13-34.  This is the story of the experience of two of Jesus’ followers on the road to Emmaus after Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection.  Their experience of the Resurrected Lord challenged their understanding of what had happened and changed their direction in life. 

        Calling all seniors: are you ready for the challenge?  Where are you headed … now?


Scripture Text (NLT): Luke 24:13-34


Scripture Reading: Luke 24:25-27




Dr. Sonny Strange, Pastor


Emmanuel Baptist Church, 1916 Overlook Ave., Jefferson City, TN 37760

Sharing Hope, Meeting Need, Through Word, Gift and Deed

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