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November 13, 2011                                         Veterans Recognition


More Than A Wish

Romans 13:6-7


Synopsis: There is a price for citizenship.  In Romans 13:6-7 Paul talks about taxes and honoring those in authority.  Military service is a price of citizenship too.  We are here today to honor those who have responded to the call of the nation to military service.  Some served a short time while others served on to retirement.  We want to take this opportunity to say “Thank you for your service.”

      Politically speaking, freedom for most people throughout the world is just a wish.  It isn’t that way for people in the USA.  Why?  It is a blessing from God, no doubt.  It is the product of a nation that has freedom in its DNA.  Our national freedom is also the result of those who answered the call to military service.  They are the ones who continue to make freedom in the USA More Than A Wish.

      Freedom isn’t free.  We all know that.  Today we want to take time to express our appreciation to the men and women among us have contributed to our freedom to worship.


Scripture Text (NLT):  Romans 13:6-7; Psalm 33:1, 119:45; 2 Corinthians 3:16-18; Galatians 5:1