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December 25, 2011                                                                             Christmas Day


Journey to the Stable

The Birth Place of the King

Luke 2:16-20


Synopsis: “We found it!” the shepherds said.  Their journey ended at a stable in Bethlehem where they found a baby lying in a manage.  The shepherds found the Good Shepherd, “Christ the Lord,” the Angel said. Emmanuel!  The animals found their Creator.  Earth’s Savior, Deliverer, Redeemer was born in a stable.

Many of you found gifts under a tree, but have you discovered the gift of God’s love left for you in the stable of Bethlehem?  In “house of bread” Bethlehem God gave you the bread of life.  From the “living waters” in Nazareth flows the live giving water of heaven.  Jesus!

Some describe the gift in terms of Hope: they found Jesus as the source of their expectations.  Some describe the gift in terms of Love: they found Jesus as the expression of God’s grace and acceptance.  Others found Joy: because they found Jesus to be the spring of eternal happiness.  Still others describe the gift in terms of Peace: Jesus is the one in whom believers release their pains, sorrows, fears, and longings in receiving the Savior Whose words calm the troubled seas of life.  God the Father’s gift to you is personal all wrapped up in the Son delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit.

                God’s gift to you is given according to your need.  When the shepherds left the stable they were still shepherds.  The animals were still sheep and goats, chickens and doves, donkeys and camels. 

Have you found the stable where Hope, Love, Joy and Peace of God was born? 


Scripture Text (NLT): Luke 2:16-20