September 9, 2012                                                           Series: Storytelling God


Jesus the Storyteller Tells of the Heavenly Father

Mark 14:35-36


Synopsis: How do you describe God?  When Jesus was asked about God he always started with relationship.  The ultimate relationship he conveyed to others was that of His Heavenly Father.  God the Father is the ultimate character in the stories Jesus told and in His life.

        Unfortunately, not everyone has a positive experience with their earthly father.  Those individuals start with more questions than other people do.  Questions like Larry Shoop raised in his book Does God Smile?  Is God friendly?  Is God ever please with His creation?  Jesus’ stories about God tell us the answer is yes.

        Of all of the adjectives that Jesus could and did used in tell others about God, none seemed to convey the special relationship that God our Heavenly Father conveys.  What do I say to those who do not have a positive image of Father?  I simply say, come to Jesus and let Him tell you what your Heavenly Father is like and you will be blessed.


Scripture Text (NLT):  John 3:16-17; Matthew 5:14-16, 6:9, 7:9-11; Mark 14:35-36




Dr. Sonny Strange, Pastor


Emmanuel Baptist Church, 1916 Overlook Ave., Jefferson City, TN 37760

Sharing Hope, Meeting Need, Through Word, Gift and Deed

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