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August 27, 2017 Commissioning: Romans 12:1-8 HELP! Isaiah 51:1 Synopsis: Do you ever need a little “HELP!” as you go through your day? Sure you do, unless of course you have a misguided ego. Where does your help come from? Believers know their help come from the Lord and other believers. “If it had not been for the Lord who was on our side …” Psalm 124:1-5, ESV, “they would have swallowed us up alive…” In verse 8, Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Isaiah (51:1-6) wrote to the people of Israel to “look to the rock from which you were hewn …” So believers have the strength of the Lord with them and the fellowship of other believers to also encourage and help in prayer and other ways as needed. God has blessed the body of Christ with all the parts necessary to support and help one another. It would have been enough for God to save us, but God did not stop there. In fact, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit has never stopped providing help to those who believe. Too all of those who have helped the body of Christ in this place we say “thank you.” To all of those who have made commitments to help in the year ahead we commission you for service in Jesus’ name. Remember, “We are one in Christ Jesus or we are nothing.” Text (ESV): Isaiah 51:1-6; Romans 12:1-8 Scripture Reading: Psalm 124:1-5