Previous Episode: Everybody Knows

September 15, 2013                                                                           


Giving’s Up To You

Genesis 14:17-20


Synopsis: How do you determine the amount of your contributions to charities?  In particular, how do you determine the amount of your contributions to the church?  As you know there are many options vying for or even competing for your gifts.  So how do you decide?  What is the mandate for believers?  As you can tell, I am full of questions today, but I do want to help you find some answers.  Let’s begin, in the beginning (Genesis 14) with the story of Abram, the “father” of the faith.

      Abram was returning to the valley of Sodom and Gomorrah from his great victory.  He knew he had been blessed.  Abram was loaded down with the spoils of war when he metMelchizedek the high priest and king of Salem.  Following worship and a blessing Abram gave Melchizedek a tithe (ten percent) of the spoils.  How did he arrive at that amount and why did he give anything?  Answer: He wanted to.

      If giving is up to you then you decide what you want to do and do it.  Christians are not under the law although some would like to think they are.  Is ten percent too much or not enough?  Should you go by what everybody else is doing or is there a better way to determine your response?  I think the simple answer is blessing.  Give, like Abram, according to your blessings.  Paul tells us about the believers have been blessed beyond measure (Galatians 4:4-7) by the High Priest of our Faith Jesus Christ.  He gives us a simple plan on how to live out of our blessing (Galatians 5:16-18).  


Scripture Text (The Message & NAS): Genesis 14:14-20; Galatians 4:4-7, 5:16-18


Scripture Reading: Genesis 14:14-16