My voice was still 100% gone but check it out!! Michael and Flora did a GREAT JOB!

"We" talked about last weekend's colt start with Buck Brannaman in Santa Cruz where Flora started a colt and Michael lent a tiny bit of a hand to Maddie with hers.

💡Being friends buys you latitude.

💡When to let a kick out or a scoot peak out before shutting it down and when to yield the hindquarters right away.

💡How critical having a forwards finish on a hindquarter yield is. (This is a big subject because, of course, we don't want our horse lunging forward or heavy on the forehand. But, they can easily end up being backwards feeling when we're not wanting or needing them too.)

💡In the end, we really do have to read their mind.

💡Better to be a tiny bit late than too early with a block. (Usually)

💡❇️The hindquarter yield attached to the rein is a deep deep river from which all our wells are drawing.