Come and join the wonderful Mel Wakeman and I as we chat food, business and mindset. 

Mel is an anti-diet nutritionist and she helps women to heal their relationship with food and their body. 

For me, one of the biggest personal challenges I face is about eating nourishing food that makes me feel good whilst also trying to do all the things that life is made up of. And I know I am not alone with struggling with this balance which is why I invited Mel onto the podcast.

The tea and toast diet. The mindless eating. The rush of life.

This is a really lovely conversation about things that you may very well resonate with, so come and have a listen.

Come and join the conversation in the Emma Etheridge Insiders Facebook Group 

You can follow Mel and read more about here right here 

Follow Mel & get in touch:

A bit about Mel:

Mel is an anti-diet nutritionist and runs a virtual coaching business. She helps women to heal their relationship with food and their body. Mel believes your health and self worth cannot be measured by BMI or the bathroom scales. They also don't help you understand how your lived experiences and emotions affect your body and food choices. Learning to let go of eating rules and external expectations allows you to plug back into your intuition, listen to your body and meet more of its needs. That's where better emotional and physical health lies. And yes that may mean having biscuits with your cuppa! 

Enjoy the show




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