The mist grows heavy, the cobblestones slicken and black, and treacherous rumours go murmuring along dark alleyways. Lantern candles amber the faces of wanton gargoyles, and polyvinyl curtains slap like sea-leather from cullis windows.  Out into this night ventures our hero, sideways-peeking behind from corner-folds, and yet though he does not pass unseen, by the gods he passes unnoticed...

Listen Now.

Pausing by a dismal doorway just long enough to find shelter from drizzle, he hears the drifting sounds of:

The Ilk - Powerplant
Kid Spatula - Shakermaker
Maxïmo Park - Limassol
Monitor - Amphibious
The Kites - Bike Ride Pt. III
Kimio Eto - Sakura, Sakura

Be vigilant! Whispered words may yet be dropped from eaves, treacherous rumours snagged upon concealed skyhooks.  Send your learnings to [email protected] for further analysis.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.