Cardassians Sisko settles a custody dispute of an orphaned Cardassian between his adoptive Bajoran parents and his biological father. Garak and Bashir work to uncover the machinations of Gul Dukat. Melora Bashir and O’Brien make adjustments to the station as a new crew member joins DS9. Melora battles discrimination, misplaced well meaning gestures, and inappropriate …

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Sisko settles a custody dispute of an orphaned Cardassian between his adoptive Bajoran parents and his biological father. Garak and Bashir work to uncover the machinations of Gul Dukat.


Bashir and O’Brien make adjustments to the station as a new crew member joins DS9. Melora battles discrimination, misplaced well meaning gestures, and inappropriate advances from her doctor.

The post Emissaries of Profits — Cardassians and Melora appeared first on Androids and Assets.