Corky Lee died on Jan. 27 of Covid. He is now the undisputed Asian American photographer laureate. There was no sense of a modern Asian American civil rights movement before Vincent Chin inspired a generation to stand up and be seen. Corky Lee documented it all. I talk of my friendship with Corky as I read my post from the AALDEF blog. Then, I reprise my 2017 interview with Corky where he talks about the photograph he saw as a young boy of the Transcontinental Railroad. The Golden Spike united America but the photograph didn't show the people who built it all--Chinese Americans. That slight birthed the photographic justice that inspired Corky's life's work.

See more on my amok website.


More on Corky at


Corky's inclusive pictures of the Transcontinental railroad.


my piece on Corky's death.

--Emil Guillermo