Previous Episode: How to Use the News

Consecrate the ground with ash. Commune with your spirit guides and elders. Set healthy boundaries in relationships. Maintain your practice when you really don't want to. Be tough, yet playful. You're still standing. And so am I.

Emerson Dameron's Medicated Minutes is a production of KCHUNG.

Includes an interpolation of "I'm Still Standing" by Bernie Taupin and Elton John. The Cards for Mindfulness are available from Mindfulness Everywhere.

Apologies for the repeated use of the gendered expression "ball-busting." Also, self-flagellation is fine if you're into it and it's consensual.

Loops by Chris Rogers. Written, performed, produced, and created by Emerson Dameron, who is solely responsible for its content.

Levity saves lives.

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