While Melissa continues her exploration of Europe's finest budget rail-routes (while working hard, it should be noted), Jonathan's at the BASIS Sustainable Sport Awards in London!   Join him at Chelsea's Stamford Bridge Stadium to meet some of the great success stories in UK sport and sustainability thanks to the organisation right at the heart of the sector; the British Association for Sustainable Sport.   Dr Russell Seymour, Executive Chair, joins the pod to reflect on another busy and constructive year for the organisation; seen as the hub for all positive work in this space.   Then, as the envelopes are opened, we're joined by a selection of the award winners, including Birmingham County FA, The World Sailing Trust and Planet Earth Games.  Then, almost inevitably, we end up in the pub.   There are great people working at the intersection of sport and sustainability; thanks to everyone who appeared on this show, had a chat or shared a drink. Here's to 2023!

Guest List, time codes and web links:

00:00  Dr Russell Seymour, BASIS.  More information on The British Association for Sustainable Sport can be found at: www.basis.org.uk

06:45  Chris Broadbent, Planet Earth Games: "Sustainable School Games".  More information on Planet Earth Games can be found at www.planetearthgames.org

12:20  Sam, Rebecca & Mark, HUBBUB: "Manchester is Green".  More information can be found at www.hubbub.org.uk/manchester-is-green-the-challenge

20:55  Victoria Low, World Sailing Trust: "Carbon Fibre Circular Alliance".  More information can be found at www.worldsailingtrust.org/carbon-fibre-circular-alliance

25:40. John Grindrod, Tiger Up and Sportex Group: Recycling facility for artificial pitches,  More information at: https://www.tigerup.co.uk/sport/

30:35. Richard Lindsay, Birmingham County FA: "Save Today, Play Tomorrow".  More information at: www.birminghamfa.com/about/save-today-play-tomorrow