What sense is there in the tragic experiences of our lives? Our setbacks feel so permanent.

These setbacks feel all the more terrible when we are striving to create good in the world. Because as soon as we set our desire in motion through prayer or intention, we're on a conscious path of growth.

"Tragedy" strikes while we're growing and simultaneously trying to hold onto our sense of identity: all of the people, the places, the situations we've become attached to and identified with as "me."

This is when we start to really freak out, dig in, and try to hold on to our protective shell.

Put another way, just when we start to crack open and emerge into an experience of greater love, joy, abundance, or whatever it is we have committed to ...it feels like something "bad" is happening to the circumstances we've become accustomed to.

We might even call in some healers to try to heal our situation, to repair the cracks, because if you have the ability to fix what appears "wrong" with your body, your relationships, your circumstances, that's what you're at least going to try to do.

It's an endless cycle.

So, how do you live in a place of relative peace and joy and freedom and trust and on a path of growth and progress when you're going to bump into these challenges and crises on an ongoing basis forever?

"Your Setback is a Setup for a Comeback," shows you how to enjoy the drama of your life, to play your part ...but to then walk off the stage when the curtain falls.

And not look back.

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