What You Really Came Here For (And What You Didn’t)

You came to this planet to use this dimension of duality and contrast to awaken more fully to who and what you are.

You’re here to paint your unique masterpiece of love, life, and light onto the canvas of time and space so that others can see it and be liberated and awakened to their own greatness, joy, and genius.

Whether you call it painting on the canvas of life or performing your Divine drama on the stage of life, you came here because you have gifts to bring, and you have something to learn.

That’s where the very definition of human comes from, a Sanskrit term that means the dispenser of Divine gifts. As we talk about in the Emergence work, and really what all the great masters taught, everything is already within you – all the power, presence, life, and love of God, all that you could ever want. You’re not really even in the world, the world is in you. You have everything, and so this world can’t give you anything, except for a reflection of where you’re living in consciousness and a place or an opportunity to grow and to give.

There’s a unique way that shows up for you. It might uniquely show up as a writer, teacher, dancer, singer, author, healer, doctor, plumber, parent, architect, politician, lawyer. Yes, even a politician and lawyer! Although not everybody is living the Divine purpose within their profession, we all came here in a very unique and creative way to realize the life and the light of our true being and to shine it in a unique, gifted way that helps others to awaken and to do the same.

What didn’t you come here for? You didn’t come here to shop, to win an argument, to prove anything to anybody else, to win anything, to get a job even. You didn’t come here to get anything, to get a bunch of money, or real estate, to defeat the enemy, to get approval, validation or love from anybody.

That doesn’t mean that you don’t get a job, get into a relationship, don’t get a new car, or you don’t get some clothes. That’s all beautiful and wonderful, but you’re not here to get those things.

You get into the relationship so that you can have an opportunity to awaken to who you really are and give more of the love within you.

You get that job so that you have an opportunity to awaken to who you really are through the challenges and things, and to give of your giftedness.

You get a new car so that you have the transportation in this dimension to travel to the places you need to give of your love and give of your gifts.

You get a new home so that you can create a sanctuary and an environment where you can love each other and create, meditate, grow, play, sing, love and release more of your imprisoned splendor.

You go into the lands of the world so you can cultivate, nourish and honor them.  To create works of art and structures that support the awakening, loving , playing, sharing and the healing of our soul.

No matter what it is, whether its relationship, health, wealth, work, or personal development, we’ve been conditioned to believe that all of these things we need to get is the end game. The end game is to get and acquire the perfect home and the perfect job and the amount of money you want, the right relationship, and the piece of land. That if you get all that you’ve won the game. No.

You’ve only just begun it. That’s not the end result – that’s the preparation. Each one of those is like a plank in the platform from which now you can launch off from and give of your true life, your true gifts and your true purpose.

There’s some simple ways to test this: Can you take any of that stuff with you when you leave this planet? If you can’t take any of it with you, does that make any sense that you would have come here to get it? Think about that. If you can’t take the money, the houses, the cars, that person, then what can you take?

You can take the love that you activate. You can take the joy and the bliss that you active from giving of your heart and your gifts, being of service. You can take the wisdom you’ve discovered and developed and activated. Not necessarily the human knowledge, all that you learned about how to sell and make great business deals that will have no real value in the next dimension, but what you learned in terms of integrity, loyalty, service, love and honor, that translates into any dimension.

I invite you to contemplate this: once you leave this earthly place, will what you’ve done in this moment, what you’re striving for or arguing for, will it matter to the people you leave behind, to the world you leave behind?

As you begin to discover your ultimate purpose, some of the things you thought mattered, will fall away.

Your values will begin to shift, and it won’t be as important to do certain things. It won’t be as important to acquire stuff you don’t really need that aren’t truly opening your heart and mind and allowing you to give your gifts. It doesn’t mean you can’t have a big screen TV. You can have a home theater, but you’ll have a vision way bigger than that, and the vision will have something to do with truly awakening your heart, your mind, your soul, your creative genius, your loving, and helping others to do the same.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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