Life is friendly and all of life is conspiring for your highest good, and here this title says Life doesn’t care what you want or don't want and then it says, it cares about this . . .

So it’s true. Life doesn't care what you want or don't want. Life doesn't actually know that you want or don't want. Life is not binary. Life experience is filled with duality - want, don't want, craving and aversion as Buddha taught.

In fact the whole cornerstone of Buddhist teaching was the dissolving of that pattern of craving and aversion, which is the wanting and the not wanting, the incessant drive to get or get rid of in order to be free, with the understanding that the desire to want or not want actually is, the core source of the false self and all of the resistance and all of the suffering.

And when that mechanism dissolves, when you no longer want or don't want, what is underneath it is the great 'isness,' is life itself, is wholeness itself, harmony itself, freedom itself, fulfillment itself, naturally expressing and naturally occurring.

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