Welcome to another episode of Ask Derek. Where we do shorter trainings based on the most popular questions that you have asked over the weeks, months, years, in our groups, in our forms, and in our classes, as a way to get a quicker hit than some of our longer trainings. To really create a library of very clear answers to the most important and often the most debilitating issues that block us from really living our full potential. Activating our full emergence.

Today's question is such a common one. Is it ego or guidance talking? Or is it my ego or my spirit talking?

This question often comes from an unconscious shadow, brought about by an early experience where someone has taught themselves to doubt their own judgement.

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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