The core reason Why Aren’t Things Working Anymore is evolutionary… You’ve activated a larger life and something more is trying to emerge through you.

You’re being called to let go of those lesser tools, habits, and mindsets that are no longer congruent and begin to embrace a more refined way of living that’s in integrity with the emerging vision.

Maybe you’ve come to understand the Law of Emergence but you’re still operating trying to attract, achieve, and make things happen.

You’re still operating in the old paradigm, using the old models and toolbox. It’s like you’ve suddenly gotten a Ferrari, and you’re still driving it like it’s a Honda and not understanding that a much more fine-tuned instrument and requires a different way of handling.

In order to keep evolving up levels, you have to let go of the predominant tool of the level before, even in some cases, things that worked.

Where things are no longer working, one of the first things you want to look at is: What is the larger life trying to emerge through and as me? What is the larger paradigm or model of life?

You can begin to step-by-step, methodically release those old paradigms and replace them with the thinking, feeling, walking and talking that is in integrity with the life you’ve been praying, affirming, visioning or having a deeper insight about.

Listen to the podcast episode above for the full explanation and learn how you can put it to work in your life TODAY.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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