The Crisis of Incongruence - The Hidden Cause of Unhappiness

This is such a powerful concept because, through Emergence principle, you know that life doesn’t happen to you, it happens through you. All of life is pouring through and as you, or at least trying according to a Divine pattern. You don’t experience life directly. You experience your perception of life, or experience life through your filters.

Never is there a life outside, happening to you, although that is the illusion. There is a Divine pattern and idea, a real purpose and destiny. It’s always seeking to make you congruent to the blueprint or the self-concept that you have accepted, and that is a part of and active in your consciousness.

Like the principle of homeostasis, it’s always trying to bring us back to a state of balance. This mechanism within you is always trying to make you congruent.  For example, if you have a blueprint or self-concept that, “I’m not good with money” or, “I’m not good with money, money is hard, etc.”, when it comes to money, even if you do all the right things to make money, it will be on the path out your doorway as fast as possible. Even if you’re given money or win the lottery, as we’ve seen many times. Why? Because that same mechanism is working 24/7 to bring you back into congruence with that self-concept or blueprint.

This is why that saying says, “He or she who is right in mind, they can do all the wrong things and it will turn out right; but, he or she who is wrong in mind, they can do all the right things, it will turn out wrong.” Why? Whatever your self-concept or blueprint is, if you’re trying to do a bunch of actions that aren’t in integrity with it and you’re not changing the blueprint, your life is going to come back into integrity with that.

In addition, if you’re doing all these things and maybe, even in the case where you have all kinds of what the world would say good things – you have money, you have family, you have opportunity – but you’re still unhappy, there’s something in your blueprint and self-concept that you’re not pursuing or not fulfilling.

Your work is to come into ever increasing and inner alignment to condition yourselves, so that you feel, believe and see yourself with a blueprint that matches your highest good and highest desire. The law of life operates automatically on that to bring your experience into congruence with it.

You’ll never be truly satisfied or fulfilled if your blueprint doesn’t match, or isn’t increasingly coming into alignment with, the grand blueprint.

"That true joy and happiness is on that emerging edge of ever-expanding, ever-evolving increase, and progress."

The first step is to look at your own inner self-concept, your own inner blueprint and see if it is in alignment with your highest and greatest desires or have you acquiesced to limiting conditioning.

Are you merely trying to change the outer world while remaining the same? Are you just trying to lose weight or make money or win friends and influence others when internally you believe you’re not worthy, capable, or unable?

That’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The ship is going down no matter what you do externally. You need to plug the holes internally. You need to redesign your inner self-concept and blueprint.

Finally, when you do that, you don’t have to make it happen. You are making it welcome in the law of life. The law of mind operates upon that newly-enhanced blueprint and brings your life into integrity – into congruence with it.

To support you in mastering this, listen to the in-depth podcast on the subject, where we break it down and put it into real-life practice TODAY. This will be a real game-changer.

To Your Emergence!

Stay inspired!


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The Mighty Mo: How to Create Real Momentum
ASK DEREK-How Do You Deal With the Haters (The Gift of Criticism)
Where are You REALLY?

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