Friend to the show, Jim DuCanto has been obsessed with SALAD. Not the leafy greens delicately touched with a tart emulsion, but with Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy and Airway Decontamination (SALAD). Jim DuCanto, MD  is an anesthesiologist extraordinaire with a constant drive to perfect new airway techniques and document them on video along the way.
COI Statement
Dr. DuCanto invented and receives royalties on the DuCanto Catheter from SSCOR and the Nasco SALAD mannequin
Read More about SALAD from Taming the Sru

TtS Post

Esophageal Diversion Maneuver (Intentional Esophageal Intubation)
deliberately insert the ETT down the esophagus and gently inflate the balloon

There is lit for this [cite source='pubmed']25943615[/cite]
SALAD Park Maneuver
Keep tip of suction catheter in the esophagus on the left side of the mouth
SALAD Techniques

Meconium Suction Set-Up
Here was our original letter (J Clin Anesth, 23 (2011), pp. 518–519) (fulltext)

It was recently validated (The Journal of Emergency Medicine Volume 52, Issue 4, April 2017, Pages 433–437)

Large Bore Suction Surrogate
Wanted to run something by you. I'm an EM-3 in Cleveland at University Hospitals rotating up in the CT-ICU at my institution with a CA-2. We were just fooling around with mechanisms to make large bore suction improvisation kits, and stumbled upon a VERY good one I didn't see on your site. 7.0 ETT with the adapter pulled off. Hook that up to suction EXTENSION tubing with the little white plastic adapter that comes with the extension tubing. Connect that tubing adapter directly to the 7.0 ETT on one end, and the tubing it is meant for on the other. Should have a small gap of that adapter bridging between the tubing end (traditionally a blue end I believe) and the ETT. Doesn't work with larger bores we found out. Easy as that. Drained 750cc of fluid in less than 3 seconds on repeat testing with continuous suction. No meconium aspirator needed (for those working in the community), and because it is an ETT, there is the built in hole at the end of the tube to prevent suck down events onto tissue in the oropharynx.

-Chris Peluso ( [email protected] )

More Stuff

SALAD Facebook Page
Taming the SRU write-up of SALAD
DuCanto Suction Catheter
General Description of system and demonstration by Jeff Hill of the University of Cincinnati’s EM Program
Product page of SALAD Mannequin
University of Wisconsin HEMS Fellow with the “Static” Excercise
University of Wisconsin HEMS Fellow with the “Dynamic” Excercise
University of Wisconsin HEMS Attending takes on the SALAD Simulator
Check out the next level of SALAD—SALAD 2.0
Listen to the JellyBean with Jim

More from Jim DuCanto on EMCrit

Podcast 73 – Airway Tips and Tricks
A New Bougie for your Pocket by Jim DuCanto
A Guide to Intubating through the Intubating Laryngeal Airway
Two New Videos from Jim DuCanto
The Oxylator
More DuCanto and Pocket Bougie Videos
Two OR Intubation Videos
How to Custom Bend a Video Stylet for use with the Cookgas AirQ ILA

image at the top from J Downham
Now on to the Podcast...