About Jessica:

Jessica Danford, 34, Toronto Ontario, was propelled into a healthy lifestyle in 2015 after she was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Enjoying life as a virtual wellness coach helping you life your best gf life! She shares her positive approach to gluten-free life on her website GfreeWifey.com 

A passionate advocate for the celiac community with a personal mission to advocate access to safe food for all she created #GFreeWifeyFoodBank. Partnering with local food banks, rescues and various food initiatives in Ontario, to start the conversation on access to safe food. Providing education and training workshops, fund-raising and GF/allergen friendly food-drives in collaboration with local communities and organizations. Nominated Daily Bread food bank Community Champion In 2018 for her contributions to local food programs. To date GFreeWifey-foodbank has donated nearly $4000 and 2040 pounds of gluten-free food to community partners. 


Where to find Jessica: 

Visit www.gfreewifey.com

Instagram @gfreewifey

Facebook @gfreewifey

Purchase - GFreeWifey Community Cookbook - Bringing community together - helping you transition to a gluten-free life.

Donate to GFreeWifey Food Bank

Subscribe to GFW E-newlestter

Youtube @gfreewifey

LinkedIn Jessica Danford 



00:01 - Introduction to the podcast

00:23 - Jessica Danford's bio

01:30 - Jessica shares her story

02:25 - Jessica and her friends are involved in a gang sexual assault

03:29 - Jessica finds herself connecting with other "troubled" people

04:34 - After being told she was crazy for asking about Celiac disease, Jessica's sister is diagnosed and her diagnosis follows

05:30 - Jessica becomes an advocate for Celiac sufferers

06:10 - Glutenfreewifey.com is born!

06:23 - In Canada, close to 1 million people use food banks

07:40 - In most cases when someone is diagnosed as having Celiac disease and they start eating gluten free, they gain weight

08:20 - Jessica shares her biggest lesson

09:50 - Shame is the biggest setback for people

13:20 - Jessica offers her advice to anyone struggling with something similar

14:40 - September is National Recovery Month

15:33 - Jessica's final thoughts


About your host:

Sandra Dawes is a recovering control freak and excuse maker who works with clients struggling with similar issues. She holds an Honors BA, an MBA and a certificate in Dispute Resolution. After the passing of her father and circumstances that followed, she suffered from bouts of depression and sought the help of psychotherapists. Unwilling to seek pharmaceutical assistance to deal with her chronic unhappiness, she was lead on a journey of self-awareness and forgiveness that changed her life in deep and meaningful ways.

Sandra enjoys spending time with friends and family and her fiance Satnam. She published her first book Embrace Your Destiny: 12 Steps to Living the Life You Deserve in 2013.

Sandra was added to the Wall of Role Models by the Diversity Advancement Network in July 2016.

You can find more articles and learn more about Sandra and the programs and products she offers at www.embraceyourdestiny.ca.

You can also find Sandra in the following places:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbraceYourDestiny

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embraceurdestiny

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mbraceurdestiny

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