Several years ago Yvonne switched from watching mindless TV, to reading self development and leadership books. Since then, her mindset has grown so much that she left her full-time job, started her own business, is now financially secure, can finally call herself a surfer, and toured Africa by motorbike. She's loving life and wants to share what she's learned. She's on a mission to give people the knowledge required to make smart choices and live a more fulfilled life.

Yvonne is now a Mindset mentor and blogger behind

You can learn more about Yvonne at

You can also connect with her on LinkedIn:


00:10 - Purpose of Podcast

00:27 - Introduction to Yvonne Lines

01:24 - Yvonne's story

02:33 - Yvonne switches gears

03:10 - A decision is made

03:40 - What's next?

06:20 - Option overload!

08:36 - Yvonne explores Africa

09:26 - Yvonne decides to develop an app

10:55 - Tough times

11:14 - Yvonne finds happiness

14:15 - A paycheck second to heroin as an addiction?

15:10 - How can Yvonne hold on to her happiness?

16:04 - The answer reveals itself

18:04 - Do what works for you!

19:48 - Yvonne's biggest lesson

20:55 - Be prepared for opportunities

22:29 - Yvonne focuses on her business

23:20 - Advice from Yvonne

25.55 - Constructive thinking versus positive thinking

26:30 - Where to find Yvonne