Melissa and Brian Stout of Building Belonging discuss how transformation happens – for individuals, groups, societies and the planet. This includes inviting others to co-create compelling visions, holding space in containers with maximal diversity, stepping into our power and agency, and embodying the change we want with accountability, compassion, grace and challenge.

Brian Stout is the source for the emergent collaborative that has become Building Belonging. Drawn to mediation and social justice, he worked for anti-genocide civics organization Facing History and Ourselves in Boston. He pursued an MA in International Relations & Conflict Management at Johns Hopkins SAIS, before joining the U.S. Agency for International Development, where he focused on conflict management and mitigation in East Africa, and the Middle East during the Arab Spring. After a detail to help launch the USAID Mission in Myanmar in 2012/2013, he joined the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle. As the social movements he’d been looking for began to emerge (Occupy, the Arab Spring, Black Lives Matter, Standing Rock) he left in 2016 to explore the many tributaries that would ultimately become the source for Building Belonging. 

To learn more, check out:


Building Belonging

website: YouTube channel with conversations on transformation:

Thought leaders mentioned in this episode:

 Mia Mingus’ on accountability: Maree Brown, Emergent Strategy Donella Meadow’s work on finding places to intervene in a system: Shanelle Matthews on storytelling and persuasion for social good Brené Brown’s podcast episode on feedback: AnaLouise Keating on Post-Oppositional Politics of Change Teju Cole on the White-Savior Industrial Complex: Conflict Transformation and Belonging: Brian Stout’s newsletter:

Check out the CHS Alliance Initiative to Cultivate Caring Compassionate Aid Organizations at

***We would like to give a special thanks to the Initiative’s supporters: the CHS Alliance members, the Government of Luxembourg, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (DFCO) and the Netherlands. And thanks to Ziada Abeid for editing the show.***