This conversation with Sarah Diedro Jordão provides a deep and heartfelt exploration of what it means to embody change and foster love in the quest for a more equitable society.


“Going through a painful process can very much be part of embodying change. If it's itchy, uncomfortable, messy, and hurts, change is probably on the other side of that. So there’s hope."

 -Sarah Diedro Jordão


Sarah Diedro Jordão is a multi-passionate & versatile consultant. She works as a communications strategist, DEIB consultant, facilitator and podcast host. The driving interests foundational to her work are intersectional social justice, Black feminism, as well as collective dreaming. Among other things she served as an Intersectionality expert for the North-South Center of the Council of Europe, a moderator for the World Forum for Democracy and a podcast host for the European Greens. 


Sarah has also been facilitating a drop-in space for BIPOC professionals in the international NGO and aid sector for the last 2 years through Healing Solidarity.  Anyone interested in joining can email her at [email protected].

Learn more about Sarah Diedro Jordão on 

LinkedIn: andHer website:  

Check out bell hooks’ book, "all about love: new visions," for further reading on the role of love in social justice.

Thank you to Ziada Abeid for editing the show! 

If you’re a humanitarian woman working internationally and you’d like to meet other women like you, request to join the free Humanitarian Women’s Collaborative on Mighty Networks here: