Melissa speaks with Oge Chukwudozie about the Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub’s exciting pilot project accompanying 10 local Nigerian organisations as they work to change their organisational cultures.  Oge emphasizes the value of cultivating a safe and supportive workplace culture and the importance of leadership “walking the talk.”  


Organisations often issue written policies without addressing the underlying social norms of the organisation that block the full implementation of these policies. A good place to start is for leaders to develop qualities like awareness, self-acceptance, empathy, curiosity in the face of criticism, and a learning mindset in the face of mistakes. Work relationships that are friendly and filled with laughter – rather than tension - can motivate and energise people to do their best work. Leaders who are nice are not necessarily weak. Mental health challenges and burnout are real. You want to ensure your staff are okay. 


Oge Chukwudozie is a safeguarding and protection professional with 18 years’ experience in the aid sector. She has worked with different organisations, including Africare, Christian Aid and Save the Children. Oge has experience in various thematic areas such as education, HIV/AIDS, livelihoods, nutrition and emergency response. She is currently the National Representative for the Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub (RSH) Nigeria Hub. Her six-month pilot project is currently providing mentorship to 10 local Nigerian organisations to assess their organizational cultures, create a vision and prioritized action plan for change, track progress in reflection journals, and share learning with peers. 


To learn more, check out:


-       The Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub (RSH) website:


and Nigeria specific page:


-       Twitter: @SafeguardingRSH  


-       LinkedIn:

***Thanks to Ziada Abeid for editing the show.***