At the end of January 2021 Naser Haghamed completed his 5-year stint as the CEO of Islamic Relief Worldwide. Melissa reflects back with him about leadership, staff well-being and organisational culture for the ICVA-CHS Alliance “Leading Well” project. 


In their conversation they consider 

What it’s like to be in constant “firefighting mode” as a CEO of an organization operating in multiple conflict zones and navigating complex donor and regulatory requirementsThe importance of constant, transparent communication with teams and stakeholders, including engaging Boards on the issue of staff well-being What leaders can do to set the tone at the top and manage their stressThe need for collective, sustained action on staff well-being in the aid sector

Naser Haghamed was born in Eritrea but was forced to leave his homeland as a refugee before he could complete his schooling – an experience that shaped his life and later fuelled his passion to serve the world’s poor and marginalised through Islamic Relief. He was with the organisation for 27 years, having initially joined as an IT Manager and risen through a variety of roles before being appointed CEO in April 2016. During his Islamic Relief career Naser led the International Programmes Division through a period of positive growth and diversification; oversaw the establishment of the Humanitarian Academy for Development as a global centre of excellence; and expanded TIC International as a retail subsidiary generating income from charity shops and recycling. He activated Islamic Relief’s global £20 million programme to support vulnerable communities threatened by the Covid-19 pandemic; led a far-reaching reform of governance structures; spearheaded global campaigns on gender justice and climate change; and cemented Islamic Relief’s position as a key strategic partner for governments, UN agencies and NGOs. Naser Haghamed said towards the end of his time at Islamic Relief Worldwide: “It has been an honour and a privilege to serve the millions of people we support around the world, and it is with great sadness that I am stepping down. I have seen for myself in so many countries that the impact of what we do is hugely positive and we have made great progress, but there is a lot more to do. Islamic Relief has been a big part of my life and I will continue to support the organisation’s work and the next CEO in any way that I can.” Today he is the CEO of AIC Ltd. specializing in governance and risk management.

To learn more:

Read the ICVA-CHS Alliance joint report, “Leading well: Aid leader perspectives on staff well-being and organisational culture” can follow Naser on Twitter at @NaserHaghamed and LinkedIn at

***We would like to give a special thanks to the Initiative’s supporters: the CHS Alliance members, the Government of Luxembourg, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (DFCO) and the Netherlands. Thanks to ICVA for collaborating in this joint project engaging leaders. And thanks to Ziada Abeid for editing the show.***