Come on an auditory adventure with the Ember Island Podcast (Leslie
and Barbara) as we analyze, review, and rave about every episode of The Legend of Korra (and Avatar: The Last Airbender) from start to

This discussion includes: Korra's fuse is too short, Pro-Bending, Tenzin hates airball, Korra wants to be where the people are, Bolin and Mako are from the Aladdin school of hard knocks, dead parents?, pokemon arenas, Korra is Season 1 Zuko, Fatal flaws and reactions throughout the series, we analyze why we're more mad at Korra, Epic Jinora, teenagers, Korra does not know the rules at all, proud Tenzin, Korra/Jasmine and Mako/Aladdin, and Zutara 2.0.
This episode includes the second episode of Season 1 of The Legend of Korra: Book 1: Air: Chapter 2: A Leaf in the Wind
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