Come on an auditory adventure with the Ember Island Podcast (Leslie
and Barbara) as we analyze, review, and rave about every episode of
Avatar: The Last Airbender (and The Legend of Korra) from start to

This episode's discussion includes: Azula's small elite team (Azula's Angels), Katara and Toph's new relationship, Toph 'carrying her own weight', the comedy of sleep deprivation, Katara's fear of Ty Lee, Iroh being the best, Toph's Tea-time with Iroh, Western-Like Fight Backgrounds, how unfair the fight is in this episode, Iroh's sacrifice, Toph learning to accept help, and Zuko not being able to trust or accept help.

Warning: Extreme sleep deprivation ahead!

This episode includes the eighth episode of Season 2 of Avatar: The Last Airbender:

Book 2: Earth: Chapter 8: The Chase
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