Come on an auditory adventure with the Ember Island Podcast (Leslie
and Barbara) as we analyze, review, and rave about every episode of
Avatar: The Last Airbender (and The Legend of Korra) from start to

This episode's discussion includes: why we don't like this episode, the triumphant Appa reunion we've been waiting for, the Gaang finally tries to talk to the Earth King, Toph does not trust Positive Sokka, Saddle continuity, Long Feng and Bite Continuity, Katara only heals potential future boyfriends, Zuko's sick after doing a good deed (We can change him!), Zuko's dream sequence hallucinations and the meaning of his missing scar, Zuko has a drinking (and throwing things) problem, how strange and sudden the Earth King's change in loyalty is, Long Feng is Long Gone, The Earth King finally learns about the Day of Black Sun, Sokka and Katara sibling moments, Group Hugs, Famous Last Words, Toph's captured, Missing Suki, and 'Kyoshi Warriors' ahead. Warning: Zuko has Angsty Pretty Fever Syndrome, Regular Bears, and King Fools ahead.
This episode includes the eighteenth episode of Season 2 of Avatar: The Last Airbender:
Book 2: Earth: Chapter 18: The Earth King

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