You can’t believe everything you read/hear/ see online.

(No, the irony of me being “online experts” telling you not to believe online experts doesn't escape us)

Seriously though, there is a lot of bad and downright DANGEROUS advice online being spread like STDs.

Which brings us to today’s topic. We are going to expose 3 Fatal Email Marketing mistakes that look and SOUND like good ideas…

 ... But trust, if you fall into one of these traps, you are in for painful, expensive failure.

 Think of this episode as your lifeline. Make sure you listen to this podcast all the way to the very end so you don’t put your time and money at risk.

In this episode you will learn:

The pay to play “trick” for email list building that sounds like a shortcut...but is really a setup in disguise! Why your “promotional” email broadcasts are actually costing you money...and what you should do instead! One “sleazy car salesman” technique that immediately your turns readers off. This is actually so common you have probably done it before!