Previous Episode: My Kidneys!
Next Episode: Sweet Tooth!

In this episode Clement and Carolyn discuss the Coronavirus Covid-19.  COVID-19 is a novel virus.  People of all ages, races and genders are affected by it.  We have to deal with viruses and one way to deal with them is to listen to the body when it attempts to talk to us via signs and symptoms.  We must take action when the body begins to show symptoms of infection or illness.  The body is resilient but over time it becomes exhausted by injurious habits and as a result we begin to pay for the damage.  After years of harmful habits and unhealthy lifestyle choices our bodies begin to suffer.  The body speaks as though to say, “Can you hear me now?”  If your body begins to speak by showing signs and symptoms of illness, talk to your doctor, go to the ER, take action.   Happy-Music by Aden.
