Update 2020-06-05: Added notes and timestamps

Christopher Wellons (nullprogram.com, github.com/skeeto/) started using Emacs nine years ago and has built all sorts of nifty customizations since, including something that plays Tetris for you. He demonstrates the benefits of having an HTTP server running inside Emacs by using Skewer to interact with a web browser and Impatient-mode to share his syntax-highlighted buffer through the Web. In addition, he covers foreign function interfaces, packages, and other good things. Check it out!



Notes contributed by Andrés Ramírez:

0:00:10 screen shared
0:00:14 javadoc, multiple cursors, impatient mode 4 sharing screen locally, simple httpd
0:17:40 ffi, emacsQL
0:22:20 eieio
0:26:30 elfeed (mentions skewer mode)
0:31:00 notmuch
0:31:50 calc
0:36:40 instrumentation, Steve Yegge, live systems
0:44:00 live demo of changing web pages
0:45:20 webgl
0:46:50 public domain
0:49:00 tips for emacs internals
0:49:20 read emacs manual; emacs lisp reference manual
0:51:50 two different lisp interpretters
0:53:58 out of curiosity, curator of elpa
0:54:40 planetemacsen
0:55:15 best way to find you ; blog github
0:56:15 mentioned transcript

Download the MP3
