A Level 2 Yoga class!!!!! How Do We Truly Know Anything? Man am I always a mess! Believe me, I do try to be neat...and tidy...and organized...but somehow I always end up with fantastic chaos all around me ;) The worst part about this is that I was like this BEFORE I welcomed my beloved baby, so now with her in the picture my chaos(mess) has escalated to new heights. The good thing is that as the mess escalates my need to find clarity also grows and thus came the theme for this week's yoga class :) My teacher John guided me to recognize how one truly begins to know something. How do we acquire knowledge? Deep knowledge? How do we align with anything? You soften, feel and attune. We attune to the Highest. We attune by getting close to that which we wish to know. This learning is not a head thing, but a heart thing as we truly begin to 'vibe' with and resonate with each other at a much deeper level :D Listen and practice to the class and see if you can begin to attune to something bigger! Finally something other than a Level 1 basic yoga class! This week's class is a Level 2 Yoga Class, not quite an 'advanced' yoga class, but a bit faster in pace and a warmer practice. You will find within this class preparations for more advanced postures such as Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana into Handstand (Standing Splits into Handstand) and Archback (maybe even a drop back *yikes*). If you are a seasoned asana practitioner and are acquainted with these poses, please feel free to rock it in the comfort of your own sacred practice space ;) Love the Feedback! email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I'd love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!) or comment on this blog! Other ways to connect with me: Connect with the Yoga Podcast Community Elsie's Yoga Kula on Facebook Join us! This week's Yoga Class Online is a Level 2 Yoga Class