It’s episode 100 of Elsie’s Yoga Class!

This is not a yoga asana class today, but my goodness what we have is serious yoga study and conversation.

This is super special because it’s the 100th episode and also my 6th year podcasting!!!

In order to celebrate I gathered two of my most influential teachers and we have incredible conversations about yoga and life.

The kinds of things that are shared are the best kind of yoga you can learn and be exposed to. Listening will undoubtedly take your asana practice to an unbelievable level.

I ask my teachers the questions that you guys most often write to me about which are:

Dealing with an at home yoga practice
Deepening your practice
Applying your practice
Transformative daily practice
Becoming a yoga teacher and the best way to go about it
Prenatal yoga and post natal/postpartum practices

In addition to all of that you will hear YOUR voices. I share your voices so you know that you are part of something so much bigger than this yoga podcast, so much more amazing.

Our kula, our tribe our community is in the entire world and across time and space.

You guys belong to a magical space and are in the cutting edge.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I certainly hope you enjoy! It is a super long episode, be warned :) Consider it a yoga workshop Elsie style ;)

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