The TEAM IS BACK! WE ARE HOSTING THE OFFICIALLY UNOFFICIAL 1/2 APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CIGAR FEST PODCAST EPISODE! #ELOsoFumarTakes sits down with William Cooper, Erron Nielsen, and Ben Lee of the Cigar Coop Coalition! It's 45+ days since the Premium Cigar Association Trade Show and we check in with our team to see which ways the pendulum of momentum has swung. So, while half the industry is up in the Rocky Mountains, 1/2 of our team is in the Appalachians, we will discourse. We have some unanswered questions that we will get answered and, of course, some fun along the way. Enjoy!


Check out all PCA Trade Show Coverage here:


Sepsis Alliance:

Please consider DONATING

Special thanks to Shawn Miles for his in-show donation and thanks to Jay Davis of Blue Smoke of Dallas