This week, #ELOsoFumarTakes welcomes Nick Libretti of JR Cigars to sit down for our #205thTake. Libretti just put to bed the long-anticipated and awaited 50th Anniversary Project from JR Cigars. Between all of his duties for JR and his hosting duties of the Long Ash Podcast, his days are full. We learn more about Nick, his journey, and, of course, some cigar chat.


For this occasion, Nick and I are spotlighting the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network.

You can learn more here:

Please consider donating here:


If you think of it and have nobody to honor with your donation. Honor "Vera", she's the real reason why Nick and I talked about this organization.  


Crowned Heads Mother Church is Back!  JR Cigars and Jon Huber are bringing this sensational back to market.  Official Re-Launch will be in Nashville sometime early this Summer (1:26:00).


The Long Ash Podcast;


JR Cigars:




To the #ELOsoFumarTakes community, I have decided to take part in a survey that is aimed at capturing the influence of our podcast, in addition to other Cigar Industry media. I ask you, humbly, to take a few minutes and take part in this survey. Two major points: 1) No personal info will be asked for or given by you 2) THE GOAL: to see what, if any, influence and impact Cigar Media has on the way you, the consumer, views and takes part in this industry we love. It would honor me to hear and see your thoughts. Thank you in advance.


Click here: 


This is going to be one awesome #Take! Enjoy!