This week, #ELOsoFumarTakes welcomes Jeff Haugen of Crux Cigars to sit down for our #140thTake. Imagine graduating from college and diving headfirst into a business you know nothing about. Now, that business was the cigar business and started during the height of the legendary boom. Our guest did that and took it a step further. Two decades after trial and error and great success, Jeff launched his own cigar brand - Crux - and began to make waves in the boutique world. Now eight years in, Crux is becoming a 'household name' and in retail shops nationwide. Did we mention that a little over a year ago, they went back to scratch on their brand? That's right, Haugen tore it down and re-built his brand anew. This is one exciting story and will be one terrific #Take. Enjoy!


Crux Rebrand:

 Crux hires first full-time staff:


Tony Haugen joins the family business: 


Crux 2019 review:


To the #ELOsoFumarTakes community, I have decided to take part in a survey that is aimed at capturing the influence of our podcast, in addition to other Cigar Industry media. I ask you, humbly, to take a few minutes and take part in this survey. Two major points:

1) No personal info will be asked for or given by you
2) THE GOAL: to see what, if any, influence and impact Cigar Media has on the way you, the consumer, views and takes part in this industry we love.

It would honor me to hear and see your thoughts. Thank you in advance.

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