This week, #ELOsoFumarTakes welcomes Charlie Minato of halfwheel to sit down for our #135thTake. If you read cigar reviews, you've probably read Charlie's work. If you're tuned into the epidemic of smoking bans in this country, you've been to Charlie's site. If you've met Charlie, you've probably walked away wondering what exactly makes this man tick. There's many more layers to Charlie's story. For anyone who thinks they have Charlie figured out, I'm going to spoil this one for you, they don't. It's a quest to solve a mystery in the industry, who is Charlie Minato and how did halfwheel become the player that it is today in the premium cigar business? Enjoy! 

To the #ELOsoFumarTakes community, I have decided to take part in a survey that is aimed at capturing the influence of our podcast, in addition to other Cigar Industry media. I ask you, humbly, to take a few minutes and take part in this survey. Two major points:

1) No personal info will be asked for or given by you
2) THE GOAL: to see what, if any, influence and impact Cigar Media has on the way you, the consumer, views and takes part in this industry we love.

It would honor me to hear and see your thoughts. Thank you in advance.

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