Guest: Andrey Kuzmin (github) (twitter)

elm-explorations/webglGLSL syntaxTwo shaders: vertex shader and fragment shaderUniforms are declarative bindings to Elm values. Type safe mappingSimple cube exampleelm-explorations/linear-algebra/latestProjection matriceselm-webgl-lessonsianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene/latest/Luca's listing of 3d Elm examples and resourceselm-3d-scene exampleselm-csg (Constructive solid geometry)Elm Japan 3d SVG art#gamedev and #webgl channels in Elm SlackJames Carlson's talk about communicating with the GPU from Elm using Futhark: Making Elm Talk to Your Personal SupercomputerAndrey's elm-webgl-playground examples

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