Previous Episode: 017: Codecs
Next Episode: 019: Scaling Elm Apps

Performance metricsFirst Contentful PaintTime to InteractiveCumulative Layout ShiftBest practicesLighthouse SEO AuditsLighthouse Best Practices AuditsPerformance best practicesCDNNetlifyImage OptimizationCloudinaryloading=lazySVGIconsApple touch and other icons to add to <head>Some resources on iconsWhat the apple touch icons meanGoogle resource on apple touch iconsmanifest.jsonPWAsProgressive Web AppsMust be HTTPSAbout service workersStale while revalidate service worker cache policyWorkboxelm-starterPerformance

Elm optimization instructions for using Terser, the --opimize flag, and elm-optimize-level-2

Dev tools performance tab

Ju Liu's article, Performant Elm, on analyze Elm performance using Chrome Dev Tools

HTTP2 Push is dead

Using preload tags

Here's an in-depth conference talk on different script tag techniques. Ishows the differences between different ways to load script tags, including using async, defer, and in HTML <head> vs. <body>

SEOmeta viewport tagAxe accessibility toolsCanonical URLsOpenGraph tagsLighthouse accessibility auditsResourcesLighthouse netlify learn section