ECV FROM THE ARCHIVES — from 02/17/19

We are bringing back old talks from ECV's history for you to listen to during the COVID-19 crisis.

Lead Pastor, Josh Williams gave the second talk in a series called "Love<Fear." In this installment, Josh talks about love and fear in the life of Esther.

Series description: "There is a lot of fear these days: fear of people unlike us, fear of people who stoke fear of people unlike us. Fear of the future. Fear of what’s unknown. But a life of fear is not the life that God has for us. Time and again, the first words of God’s messengers in the Bible are: “Don’t be afraid.” And the Bible suggests an interesting antidote for fear: not power, not courage necessarily, but love. “Perfect love casts out fear.” (1John 4:18) Join us this Sunday as Matt Croasmun kicks off our new series: Love is Greater Than Fear. We’ll jump in right at the beginning, in the Garden, where fear first rears its ugly head."